village idiot said,
' Just try to imagine her expressions in the bedroom.'
I am way ahead of you. I was there last week.
wednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.
village idiot said,
' Just try to imagine her expressions in the bedroom.'
I am way ahead of you. I was there last week.
repeat after me,.
" i do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that the evidence i shall give in the royal commission shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Repeat after me,
" I do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that the evidence I shall give in the Royal Commission shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."
wednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.
freegirl2006 said,
'...The blonde lady in the back (as has been commented on many times)...she does realize she is being filmed? I mean the looks on her face are almost comical. Someone please get her some hair conditioner..'
Do I detect a little jealousy? I think she is very easy on the eyes. Makes the video much more pleasant to watch.
unfortunately, part 1 will not be available until later, but i thought i give you the other parts anyway .
day six of the proceedings:.
part 2 has been uploaded and part 3,4 and (5?
14:00 - 16:00
This Rodney Spinks is assigned to the Branch Service Desk. Would these people not have close contact with the legal department?
Then why is he in such a fog about the legal procedures for reporting criminal offences? Willful ignorance. Asking the Commissioner about aspects of the law as he is giving testimony. How amateurish. This must make the Society look like such incompetent rookies to trained professionals.
unfortunately, part 1 will not be available until later, but i thought i give you the other parts anyway .
day six of the proceedings:.
part 2 has been uploaded and part 3,4 and (5?
how many times does ron de rooy state the importance of jehovah's witnesses being confidential?.
11:00 - 13:00
This idiot needs a good, strong smack across the face. He is a typical elder. Totally useless idiot.
how many times does ron de rooy state the importance of jehovah's witnesses being confidential?.
a catholic forum has a discussion thread: "jehovah witness now appear with the royal commission".. i have made the comment before that dr. applewhite's appearance in support of the jws is not surprising if you consider that the royal commissions' findings will impact the structure of the cathoilc church as well.
the catholic church has a vested interest in the jws' hearing - if the jws are forced to change their organizational structure, so will the catholics.. the following post is an excellent discussion on the similarities and differences between the catholic church and the jws structure.
firstly, thank you to anyone who is in support of this rc.
no one has shown anything but great interest and empathy for those who were abused.. i don't know who this simonsays character is though and i find him to be very rude and ignorant.
it takes all kinds to make the world go round i suppose.. today i was contacted by a staff member of the royal commission.
mon 3 (cont) fri 7 .
public hearing: case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses, sydney.
While this inquiry would bore most to tears I think most here must find it fascinating.
Members of this forum have discussed and speculated for months and years about this subject. It has been a constant topic of discussion. We have said that a carcass is buried somewhere. When it is found the truth will come out. Now the carcass has been found, dug up and is being examined. And how it stinks. The Witness lawyers are trying to direct attention away from this stench by their use of meandering language and argument. The commissioners may politely listen but always come back to the carcass. The rotting, stinking, putrid carcass that the Watchtower buried and is now gutted and laid out for all to see.